Thursday, October 18, 2007


Beautiful day out there @ La Conchita ("Illegals") today; however, the surf is still recovering from yesterdays chopness and a bit walled ~ had a few more fun little fishable corners to snap off today than the other day... I was lucky enough grab one during the lunchtime sesh. Just my buddy and I and then as we were leaving, two others paddled and a couple of more cars pulled over to check it. Rode my 5'9" Zippifish with a single channel today, was a good call for today's condish.
[pod of Zippifish pictured]

Received the Surf Alert along with a million of my closest surfin buds, that a late season SW'er is heading our way and should bring some head high waves and the urban masses out too... nonetheless, it sounds like a Mandala day!

Posted up some more pix for fun - tone~ out.

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