Friday, October 19, 2007

Stop with the emailed Surf Reports already!

It's getting better out there in terms of clean, peaky glasslove. Illegals had some fun rights and lefts and pretty glassy this afternoon. Rincon was looking pretty tempting, but, again on a time budget, Rincon can be a the difference between 2 to 5 waves during a lunchtime sesh. Waves were waist/shoulder at the sets and super fun. Grabbed as many as we could and headed back to the office.

More and more emails pour into my ebox letting us all know that Sunday will be (a super crowded) epic day and continue to triangulate the sources for us. They say WNW + SW + offshore wind event will equate to some epic head high or bigger waves for Sunday, again, watch out for the urban masses out there and play nice.... What I really look forward to is MONDAY! Most everyone will be of the mindset of "the swell shrinking or gone and besides, I have to work", I think that Monday's sesh is going to be super clean, dead calm, glassy and head high - SWEET!

My weekend recommendation would be to search airfares to Mazatlan and get down to Cardon Surf Resort (Northern Mainland Mex) to see what this late season SW will do down there and besides, I heard they have a tropical storm/hurricane hitting Mainland Mexico about now - there's the triangulation that's actually pretty scary. My buds and I were down there last year in October for some really fun left point break action. tone~ out.

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